Injuries that can happen at the pet salon

 Hundreds of people take their pets to get washed and get a haircut. And, there is nothing wrong with it. But, some groomers shouldn’t interact with a pet.  

However, injuries do happen, and you need to make sure that they heal correctly. And, that the injuries didn’t happen because of the groomer's lack of compassion. This is everything you need to know about the injuries that can happen at the salon, the difference between an accident, and being unprofessional and inexperience. 

Different injuries done to your dog at the pet salon 

Some common injuries can accidentally happen at a pet salon. And, these are normally accidents that couldn’t be avoided. You need to know the difference between an accident and being careless at the pet grooming salon. These are normal injuries that can happen and it is normally not serious.  

Nicks and scrapes 

You need to know that there is a difference between small nicks and scrapes, and nicks that need stitches. Normal nicks are when there are small cuts on the skin. It can happen because the dog didn’t sit still to get cut. Scrapes happen with the hair clipper, especially if the hair is thicker than normal. A lot of nicks and scrapes on one dog can be more than just an accident, and it needs to be investigated. 

Nail accidents 

This can also be a real accident at dog grooming Trabuco Canyon Especially if it is getting done by a new groomer. Dogs don’t like their nails to be clipped and they will move around. It can cause the groomer to cut too deeply and bleeding will occur. With this type of injury, you need to make sure that your dog isn’t still bleeding when you take them home.  

If there is more than one nail that bleeds, it is not acceptable and you need to investigate further. Nail injuries to a dog are painful and should be avoided.  

Ear plucking irritations 

Because of ear plucking irritations, many dog owners say that grooming salons for dogs should just clean the ears without plucking hair from them. In most dogs, it can cause an irritation that will leave the dog scratching. It can get so bad that they start to scratch them until they bleed.   

If it needs to be done, it should be done carefully and they need to add a moisturizer afterwards to prevent the irritation from occurring.  

Eye irritation 

There are many reasons why an eye irritation can form after a day at the pet salon. It is important to take the time to ask the groomer about the dog’s tearing eyes. Sometimes their eyes will burn from the shampoo they are using, even if this is tear-free.  

Or, because of the hair clippings, there is hair in their eyes that can be just as irritating as when you have hair in your eyes. Keep eye drops at hand to relieve some of the pain and discomfort when you arrive home.  

Injuries that can happen to the groomer  

Yes, it isn’t just injuries to the dog that you need to consider. Many groomers at large pet grooming salons are getting injured as well. Especially when it comes to grooming large and dangerous dogs. You need to take the right precautions if you know your dog can bite during their grooming service.  

It is your responsibility to tell the groomer that your dog is dangerous and they need to have a muzzle on to prevent biting If the dog has a sensitive area, you need to disclose that as well. You don’t want the groomer to get injured during the grooming session. Otherwise, they will not want to groom your dog next time, and you will need to do it by yourself. Accidents can happen, but it is how the pet salon handles these accidents that matter. It is always a good idea to inspect your dog at the salon before taking him home.  

Some pet grooming Trabuco Canyon salons take good care of your dog, and treat it immediately when they see a grooming injury. However, some irresponsible groomers are hiding any injuries from the owner.  


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